Monday, November 1, 2010

IoLite Review

The other day I picked up one of these babies in my quest to smoke less, and GOD DAMN am I impressed. At $224 plus tax. (Final price at the place I got it at was $263 including fuel.) The thing is about the size of an oldschool iPod, and has been noted many times before, yes, it looks like a walkie-talkie. But holy shit this thing is StarWars.

This 'lil guy is so stealth. You can easily smoke in the house without any residual smell, other then the nice fruity, floral scent of the vapor. Very good for you "on the down low" smokers.

I had heard tell that a guy brought his into a movie theater and inserted it into a cup, and enjoyed the pleasures of ganja while viewing a movie. So I decided to try it with my girlfriend, and it definitely works. (Given, the theater was pretty much deserted.) But still, I love this thing to bits. I read in other reviews that it doesn't produce much visible vapor, but I found this to be very false. Every time I exhale I get a nice little stream of vapor. Very pleasing. I'd recommend this rudebwoy to anyone who loves the pleasures of a vape, in a fantastic, stylish and most of all portable package. Worth every penny.


  1. Wow, though. $224?

    I'm all for preventing cancer, wasting less weed, and stealth smoking, but damn. A pack of papers costs 2 bucks. Lol.

    I'm not too concerned with many of the disadvantages of J's, though, so I'm in a different boat I guess.
